“Yoga means Uniting. It’s a continuous process and be very clear, it never ends.” - Paramahamsa Nithyananda
Patanjali |
The roots of Nithya Yoga are found in the teachings of Patanjali, commonly referred to as the father of yoga. This is not yet another ‘new’ form of yoga. It is an ancient practice of yoga for modern times, re-introduced to the world in it’s pure, undiluted form by living incarnation (avatar) and avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
Nithya Yoga literally means “Eternal Uniting” in Sanskrit. Yoga is not just a practice, it is a happening, a way of living. Therefore, Nithya Yoga is not restricted to yoga asanas (postures) alone; it is a complete practice through which a deep transformation takes place. A balancing of body, mind, emotions and spirit that results in optimum health, sharp intelligence, increased awareness and balanced emotions. When we are balanced, nothing can shake us; we will be able to face life’s challenges in an effortless way. We then live a rich, quality life with enthusiasm and vigor.
Origins of Nithya Yoga
Nithyananda learnt yoga as a child from an extraordinary yogi, Yogi Yoganandapuri or more commonly known as Raghupati Yogi. He was a master not just of health and physicality but was also master of profound spiritual truths by the father of yoga Patanjali. At 102 years of age he could shatter heavy steel chains by wrapping them around his body and breathing in. On other occasions he would take a deep in breath, rise up in the air to levitate, and his students would crawl under him. He was a master of sound too. He would break a rock into two pieces by making a sound from his mouth of a hammer hitting a stone.
Raghupati Yoga was intrigued by the keen interest that the young boy Rajashekaran (now Paramahamsa Nithyananda) showed in spirituality, meditation and yoga. He took young Rajashekaran under his tutelage at a tender age of 3 years. Rajashekaran spent 10 years learning yoga and deep spiritual truths from him.
Amongst the training techniques that he would use on Nithyananda were many classic yoga postures, but also many unconventional yogic training methods like running around the temple, climbing the temple pillars, and moving boulders; all this with a difference: having a single intention in mind like peace, truth, non-violence etc. Young Rajashekaran did not understand this when he was boy but years later after his enlightenment, the truth dawned on him and this very truth forms the basis of Nithya Yoga.
"Whenever you move your body with an intention, that intention gets inscribed in your bio-memory"
Nithyananda developed Nithya Yoga from these extraordinary teachings and it is his gift to the world.
Come, enjoy and experience the ultimate expression of yoga from the very source!!!