Madurai Aadheenam Historical Revelations Daily Satsang from Madurai, India
Evening 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM PST
Swamiji is speaking on Madurai Aadheenam as part of Daily Satsangs from Madurai. As soon as His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda assumed the position of the 293 Guru Mahasannidanam of Madurai Aadheenam, he resumed his daily worldwide satsangs from Madurai. A 21 Day treat for all spiritualists across the world to immerse in the glory of Madurai - being revealed by none other than the Incarnation Himself.
Special Invitation to all devotees, samajis, satsangis and friends to come and soak in the glory of our origin
Lord Shiva & Parvati descended on earth as Lord Sundareshwar and Devi Meenakshi in pre-historic times to start the very first Spiritual Organization for Humanity - the Madurai Aadheenam - to date the oldest Organization on Earth.
Glimpses of the First Day's Revelations. May 6
'Madurai Aadheenam is the worlds most ancient Hindu organization and the world's most ancient organization. There are 2 parts to this history. One is recorded history for past 1500 years, which will be presented factually as it is. The other is pre-historic which will be read by Swamiji from the Akashic Readings.
This organization is created directly by the first incarnation of Shiva, Sundareshwara and incarnation of Devi, Meenakshi.Even incarnation would not be the right word, because one assumes the super-consciousness and assumes the human body coming out of the mother's womb.
But in the case of Meenakshi she used the fire as the medium. She lowered her frequency and emerged out of the fire (during the Homa) assuming the human form of a 3 year old child. Her body did not have the normal physiology of a human body, nor was her psychology normal. More details of the use of fire medium was revealed....
Glimpses of Day 2 - Madurai Aadheenam. May 7
Swamiji now called formally as 293rd Guru Maha Sannidhanam Srila Sri Paramahamsa Nithyananda Sri Gnanasambanda Desika Paramacharya Swamigal, revealed more secrets about Madurai Meenakshi Temple. Just as how human beings create satellites and mobile TV dishes and antennas to transmit verbalizations and visuals across from one location to another, same way thousands of years ago Temples are highly sophisticated Consciousness Transmitters built by beings in higher states of Consciousness. These grand temples are not monuments, but they are Conscious movements. Their purpose is to make human beings experience enlightenment. For a being whose non-mechanical parts of the brain are awakened, the subtle brilliance of temples are immediately recognized.... Thousands of devotees and disciples logged in to immerse themselves in the glory of the Vedic Tradition being expressed by an Incarantion from the oldest and most ancient Hindu organization in the world - Madurai Aadheenam.
Glimpses of Day 3 - Madurai Aadheenam. May 8
Once again Day 3 was immersed in spell binding revelations about Madurai Aadheenam, the oldest and most ancient Hindu organization created by Lord Shiva as Sundareshwara and Devi Parvati as Meenakshi.
Swamiji, shared the sacred sentiments from Lord Sundareshwara's biography written by Paranjyoti Munivar in a compilation named as Devaram. Paranjyoti had the quite impossible task of choosing from almost 100000 incidents to compile just 63 different dimensions, expressions and extraordinary powers of Lord Sundareshwara.
Swamiji described many incidents during the times of Lord Sundareshwara, where he radiated his divine love and compassion beyond all philosophy. He said, there was never a sweetest human dimension recorded about the divine without reducing the grandeur and beauty of the divine in any language anywhere on the planet earth, like that of Lord Sundareshwara. He added - 'The beauty of Cosmos in flesh and bones is Lord Sundareshwara'.
What impressed Swamiji so much, that he said he wanted to dump all his own biographies and rewrite them again? If you are not watching the Daily Satangs from the Madurai Aadheenam, then you are missing the very core of not only the pre-historic beginning of Vedic culture and science but the number of clicks and sacred truths which would help the spiritual seekers to elevate themselves into higher states of consciousness.
Thousands of places from around the world logged into Nithyananda TV and also through 2-way video conferencing.
Don't miss!
Daily: 6:30 PM Pacific Standard Time