
Why attend Inner Awakening? What is the purpose of Living around the Master for 21 days?

Reading 1000's of books, watching/listening to dvd's + cd's etc.  can only inspire you they cannot give you the liberating experience you are seeking.  Masters no longer in the body, although still in the cosmic plane, cannot transfer any new experiences to your body. Transference of experience can only happen from one physical body to another physical body and this is only possible with a Living Master who has attained and lives the enlightenment.  

21 day program that will permanently transform your life!

Take a rare journey 'within' along with Paramahamsa Nithyananda,
an extraordinary living avatar.

next Inner Awakening and eN-Genius programs 
Along with each Inner Awakening program
there is eN-Genius program for children ages 4-16, 
so families are welcome to come together! 

 February 26th - March 18th 2017, Bengaluru, India
Inner Awakening / eN-Genius 

Last 10 days of IA will be a Sadashivoham Program - March 9th - March 18th, 2017 (for IA and SS Grads) 

For more informations and to register please visit:

Along with each Inner Awakening program
there is 21-day eN-Genius program for children ages 4-16, 
so families are welcome to come together! 

To find out more about these programs and to register please visit

On Nithyananda TV live every evening

Daily Message with Paramahamsa Nithyananda