conducted by Paramahamsa Nithyananda Himself…
June 30 - July 10, 2013
August 15th - September 5th, 2013
August 15th - September 5th, 2013
'This is an exciting time for Vancouver to be able to have the first Inner Awakening (Level 1) via two way from Bidadi. What a wonderful opportunity to do it here in Vancouver if you are not able right now to travel to India.
Experience completion with yourself and with life resulting in better physical, mental and emotional health & transforming the way you relate with life and respond to life.
- Discover the root cause and root pattern of all suffering that exists in your life.
- Learn the secret formula to deal with any situation in your life with power
- Be initiated into practice of the four fundamental truths of life that will empower you to deal with all aspects of your life with fulfillment – Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching.
- Discover the root cause and root pattern of all suffering that exists in your life.
- Learn the secret formula to deal with any situation in your life with power
In this course you will:
- Discover the root cause and root pattern of all suffering that exists in your life
- Learn the secret formula to deal with any situation in your life with power
- Be initiated into practice of the four fundamental truths of life that will empower you to deal with all aspects of your life with fulfilment – Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibitily and Enriching.
The program will include:
- Sessions on the 4 tatvas : Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enlightenment
- Working on identifying and completing with your root thought patterns which are the fundamental cause of any kind of suffering that exists in your life and which also form the basis of the way you relate to and respond to all aspects of your life
- Techniques to complete with yourself and with others – Sva-poornatva and Poornatva kriyas which will connect you to a deep space of completion and empower you to live your life with power and spontaneity.
- eNRelationships – Rediscover the joy of relationships
- Every day darshan for 10 days (if you are physically in Bidadi)
- One question answered per participant during Akashik reading – Kalabhairava darshan (if you are doing the the program online)
Program dates: June 30 – July 10, 2013 & August 15th - Sptember 5th, 2013
Timing: approximately 9:30 pm (1/2 hour after satsang) to 9:30 am (approx.) PST
Live in Bidadi, India
2-way video conferencing in Vancouver
It is for 10 days starting on June 30th and August 15th (July 1st and August 16th IST) for 10 days for It will be in the evening for us which would be approximately 9:30 pm (1/2 hour after satsang) to 9:30 am (approx.).
Confirmation of this but believe it will be a group darshan each night and one Akashic Readings for two way centres.
For more information please call the Contact Number: 604-442-7817 or Email us:
Please call the Contact Number: 604-442-7817 or Email us:
Thank you!