Monday, June 30, 2014


Reduces Stress and Inner Chatter and Gain a Sense of Peace & Bliss

Join us in meditation!!!

4:15 pm to 5:15 pm - EVERY SATURDAY

Vancouver Body & Mind Centre, 4153 Fraser St, Vancouver

Free Meditation and Healing afterward

Open to everyone - walk in

Cost: by donation

Satsangs with Paramahamsa Nithyananda

JOIN US for live DAILY MESSAGE in two-way video connection 
with Paramahamsa Nithyananda!

@ 5:30pm (PST) Pratyaksha Pada Puja & from 6:30pm (PST) Daily Message 

Time and Location: 

5:30 pm - around 7:30 pm
Mind & Body Centre
4153 Fraser Street (by East King Edward Ave.)                  
"Satsang is sitting in the truth" 

All events run by donation


Thank you! (donation is appreciated)

You can ALSO watch it at home DAILY on Nithyananda TV live every evening 
from 5:30pm (PST) Pratyaksha Pada Puja & from 6:30pm (PST) Daily Message 
with Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Essence of daily satsangs:

Inner Awakening and eN-Genius programs

21 day program that will permanently transform your life!
Take a rare journey 'within' along with Paramahamsa Nithyananda,
an extraordinary living avatar.

next Inner Awakening and eN-Genius* programs 

Inner Awakening / eN-Genius 

21 days and level 3** (last 11 days)

July 15, 2014 - Aug 4, 2014

**Inner Awakening Level 3 in  July is eligible only for those who have attended Level 2 (10 days) program earlier.
For more informations and to register please visit:

*Along with each Inner Awakening program
there is 21-day eN-Genius program for children ages 4-16, 
so families are welcome to come together! 

To find out more about these programs and to register please visit

Saturday, June 21, 2014

eN-Parenting workshop

You are invited to the online interactive eN-Parenting workshop series:

Pedagogy of Parenting 
Presented as a Real-Life, Life Saving Solution
~ conducted by Nithyananda Vidyapeetam, by Ma Rishi Nithya Advaitananda (Ma Advait) 
Mahant of Nithyananda Order

UPCOMING SESSION: June 28, 2014 12:30pm – 3:30pm PST

The upcoming sessions topic: 

RAISING an ENLIGHTENED CHILD – Easy methods to make your teens listen

Topics include:
Proactive techniques 
SDHD = self doubt, self hatred, self denial

Complete Completion

How do I raise an Enlightened Child?
Guaranteed and holistic solutions to every problem
Practical tools & techniques to raise successful children in a stress- free environment
Helping children manifest their ultimate potential
Supporting children to retain their infinite possibilities
Creating conscious leaders of the future

for either 2-way interactive workshop or for viewing 1-way

Benefits from 2-way connection 

*opportunity to share one on one
*opportunity for your issues to be addressed directly

LOCATION: Dunbar Street center
details by phone 604 561 8689, or email at:

DATE & TIME: This workshop runs for 3 hour, 12:30pm - 3:30pm

PRICE: FREE FOR ALL. Donations and contributions are most welcome.

Anyone who interacts with children will want to provide the best support & guidance for them, in every way possible. However – very few understand the space of a child, why they behave the way they do and how to help them live at their best health and manifest their ultimate potential.

Thought patterns and emotions form the building blocks of our character. They affect every aspect of our health, lives and everyone around us. The good news is – it is possible to help children have the right cognition to handle anything that happens in life smoothly and groom them effortlessly to become responsible, compassionate geniuses and leaders of the future.
Creating leaders of the future by supporting children responsibly creates conflict-free relationships, families, neighbourhoods, communities, countries and ultimately an ideal, conscious world!

As an education and support program,  eN-Parenting is designed to provide the necessary knowledge, tools and techniques to raise happy children in a stress free environment. These classes will provide guaranteed and holistic solutions to help children retain the infinite possibilities of their own potential.

Sessions are available on 2-way video conferencing via Nithyananda Satsang centers and Nithyananda Vedic temples around the world. Please contact us to participate in this interactive workshop here in Vancouver.

Parents, care-takers, mentors, teachers, psychologists and anyone who is interested in  raising enlightened children. Gain deeper understanding of your own upbringing, thought patterns that were created in childhood and how these patterns manifest in your life today. Complete with your childhood patterns to be successful in every dimension of your life!
View all Parenting Workshop testimonials here:
Upcoming sessions DATES & TOPICS:
July  2014  eN-Parenting 

Please contact us to register and for more details by phone 604 442 7817, or email at:

Saturday, June 14, 2014

REWRITE YOUR FORTUNE, Sat, June 21st @ 10 am

Do you want to create a life of abundance & wealth?
But sometimes wonder...
  • How to create wealth without worrying about it?
  • How to recognize what is holding you back financially?
  • Why some people create wealth easily while others seem to struggle?
  • How to create wealth without compromising what you LOVE to do?
  • How to create wealth without compromises your personal & spiritual values?
  • When you have wealth, why does it still feel something is missing?
If you would like to find answers for one or more of these questions, and take ownership of your financial destiny from a unique approach...  

A FREE webinar and guided meditation for manifesting abundance & wealth, happening next weekend on Sat, June 21st, 2014  @ 10am , conducted personally by enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda.

“Spirituality is living with abundance in the inner world AND the outer world” – Paramahamsa Nithyananda

In this FREE webinar Nithyananda will focus on:
  • Clearing myths about money that are preventing you from attracting it
  • How to create wealth without compromising your personal & spiritual values
  • If you already have enough wealth, why does it still feel something is missing?
  • Create wealth consciously without guilt to help yourself and world
  • If you would like to find answers for one or more of these questions, and take ownership of your financial destiny from a unique approach... 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Life Bliss Program LIVE with Yogi Nithyananda

Dear Vancouverites and Greater Vancouver Visitors, 

Inviting you to taste a piece of the world renown Inner Awakening meditation program right here in Vancouver designed and conducted by enlightened Master Yogi Swami Nithyananda. If you have not yet attended any of Swami Nithyananda's local programs this is the BEST program outside of the 21 day ashram program that he offers the world. This 3 evening weekend program is a mini Inner Awakening that detoxes the root emotions that are running your life namely doubt, denial and low self worth. The program is designed to target all negative low-grade emotions unconsciously cherished in our belief system which keep us rooted in a karmic pattern or frozen loop and liberate them! This incredible program is a guaranteed practical based solution meditation workshop which will release the heavy emotional energy from continuing to both influence and rule every one of our life decisions. These rooted energies are like trying to drive our vehicle with the park brake on but completely being oblivious that the park brake has been on the entire driving life of our vehicle. 

Karma is nothing but your strong belief in impossibility” says Paramahamsa Nithyananda. 

So where does this Karma come from? 
How do we escape the Karmic patterns holding us back??

As soon as we can remove the negativity and confusion, our whole life becomes better right away.

Want to learn how to do that? 

June 6-8th (3 EVENINGS FRI-SUN)
Master Yogi Nithyananda will be leading the powerful 
to teach you a process to erase Karmic patterns. 

Gain tools for clarity, control, & confidence in life:

A profound guided meditation over 3 evenings, where Nithyananda will reveal how, when Karmic patterns are completed, we unleash the…

1. Power of Thoughts
2. Power of Words
3. Power of Feeling
4. Power of Living

The 3 evening event will be held at:
Vancouver Masonic Centre.
1495 West 8th Avenue
Vancouver, V6H 1C0 

CONTACT:, 604 628-4479

LIVE Workshop Timing:

June 6, Friday 5:30pm - 11:00pm
June 7, Saturday 5:30pm - 11:00pm
June 8, Sunday 5:30pm - 9:30pm

Don't miss this unique opportunity!

PS: Yes we are excited to announce that the sessions will be guided LIVE directly by Paramahamsa Nithyananda himself from his Ashram in India! 

Warm gratitude for taking the time to read this offering.

eN-Memory Workshop for kids ages 6-16

eN-Memory is Memory enhancement program for children ages 6-16 created by enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda.

This powerful workshop will unleash the genius in children and open up their higher order of thinking to become great achievers!

Children will experience:
Leap into Quantum memory
Learn four powerful principals for ultimate success
Stimulate the Right Brain for higher grades
Improve observation and listening skills
Be trained in meditation techniques that improve overall health, wellness and memory power

Boost your child's memory power !

The 3 evening event will be held at:
Vancouver Masonic Centre.
1495 West 8th Avenue
Vancouver, V6H 1C0 

CONTACT:, 604 628-4479

LIVE Workshop Timing:

June 6, Friday 5:30pm - 11:00pm
June 7, Saturday 5:30pm - 11:00pm
June 8, Sunday 5:30pm - 9:30pm 


On Nithyananda TV live every evening

Daily Message with Paramahamsa Nithyananda