Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Puja Training in Vancouver

Puja Training in Vancouver
(Live via skype from Seattle)  

Open to Pujacharya trainees, devotees, and volunteers

When:  Starting mid June, 2011

Learn for the first time about:
-Chanting Mantras
-Meaning of Pratyaksha Pada Puja
-The Svasti Mantra
-Naivedhyam Offering Mantras

And of course, Arathi training for future Pujacharyas! 

We will only contact those interested with further details on this training.

Life Bliss Program Level (LBP) - 2 day program in Seattle Vedic Temple

Life Bliss Program Level 1 (LBP) 
2 day program

All are welcome!

When: June 25-26, 2011 from 8am-6pm
Lunch and Snacks provided
Free Satsang (eN Kriya) Saturday evening
Cost: $50

Register Now Here

For more information about LBP click here

A new program by Paramahamsa Nithyananda - eN-Health

Vancouver will be offering Swamiji's brand new 2-day course in June: eN Health!  
This program will be broadcast live from India. 

Blast out Illness and Awaken your body's Natural Healing Intelligence!

This program is postpone. Stay tune for new dates in September.

Monday, May 30, 2011

On Sunday May 29, 2011 Vancouver's devotees have been blessed with 3 miracles in one day!

We love you Swamiji!!!

What a blessings from our Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda!!!

See posts below:

Turmeric on the forehead of the devotee

Sun, May 29, 2011

"Saturday night during eN-Kriya event, when Swamiji said that at least 10 people would receive turmeric rice, my body jumped, and for the first time, I really felt like I would receive something teleported. Nothing came that night, so I forgot about it, until just now. I took my first break in my work day, and went to use the washroom, when I noticed this orange!"

We are so blessed to be living in such an exciting time, with such an exciting Master!

Jai Paramahamsa Sri Sri Sri Nithyananda Swami Ki!!!!!!!!!

~ Ma Nithya Sudevi

Manifestation of turmeric and rice on Swamiji's padukas in Vancouver Griha Mandir (home temple)

"May 29, 2011 in Vangroovy Ma Paalin & I were listening to Swamiji'z discourse. When we were done eating; we were closely looking at the Padukas. Waaaaaaow there was a piece of rice close to the shaft of the paduka .. for sure it was a small grain of white rice; soft...LOL..I felt it !! .. I have not cooked rice in long time...such a Feeling of Bliss/Existence .. then we noticed turmeric .. I was feeling cold chills prior;  whether it is related or not I do not know but after all was witnessed the chills were flooding the body then Paalin too was experiencing the chillin' effect of Swamiji'z tangible "taken care" just like he sayzzzzzz .. Heaps of Gratitude to our BELOVED PARAMAHAMSA NITHYANANDA; SWAMIJI"

~ Ma Nithya Hridyananda & Ma Ananda Paalin 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Live only on eN-TV starting May 25th, 8 pm PST

Paramahamsa Nithyananda unravels Deeper truths of Karma
Coming up next ... Deeper truths of Time, Mind, Consciousness and more...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Creating a New Man program has been postponed.

Nithyanandam all,

Creating a New Man program scheduled for next weekend May 27-30 has been postponed.

Stay tune for new dates.

Program Coordinator

Thursday, May 19, 2011

This Saturday May 21st come experience the eN Effect Topic: 'Women and Spirituality'

You are invited to a special eN-Effect talk: 'Women and Spirituality'

How can women develop their great qualities for  for spiritual fulfillment and enlightenment?
What is their fastest pathway?
What are the obstacles that get in their way?

Find out in this eN-Effect talk on Saturday May 21st.

The evening will around 7pm with Pratyaksha Pada Puja and after talk there is eN-Kriya initiation.

eN Kriya 
A unique Kundalini awakening process 
by a living incarnation 
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

 eN-kriya is a 42-minute process 
involving intense pranayama (breathing techniques), mudras (yogic hand gestures), asanas (yoga poses) and meditations. It is an enlightening meditative process aimed at individual
transformation that leads to increased consciousness at a societal level.

For more information visit Mission's official website:

Where: 8061 Fraser Street, at East 65th Ave

Suggested donation $10

Bring your own yoga mat/ thick blanket/ cushion to sit on.
Please feel free to visit Tandoori Raj restaurant for dinner and chai after meditation.

Please register at lifebliss.vancouver@gmail.com

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

This weekend second chance for eN-WEALTH - CREATION AND SUSTANANCE, workshop with Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Nithyananda Meditation Academy Announces

eN Wealth Program conducted by 
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

An intense weekend program that reveals and rewrites your inner financial blueprint through dynamic meditation techniques, spiritual truths of finances, practical exercises, and direct energy transfer

When: Friday, May 20th 830pm-9am
& Saturday, May 21st 830pm-9am

Location: Tandoori Raj @ 689 East 65th Ave, at Fraser St, Vancouver

Catered by the Tandoori Raj Restaurant

Cost: $250 (Dinner and snacks are included both days)

You can still register at lifebliss.vancouver@gmail.com

Get a sneak preview of eN -Wealth program.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Today morning miracle news: Appearance on kumkum on padukas in North Vancouver!!!

Miracles have started happening in Vancouver as well. 
This morning we had appearance on kumkum on padukas in North Vancouver!!!

Thank you Swamiji for blessing us with Your Divine Energy!!!

Enjoy the pictures!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Come join us for eN Kriya initiation on Saturday!

eN-Effect continues
with eN-Kriya initiation every Saturday
life in the Ashram in India and via teleconference here in Vancouver

eN Kriya 
A unique Kundalini awakening process 
by a living incarnation 
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

 eN-kriya is a 42-minute process 
involving intense pranayama (breathing techniques), 
mudras (yogic hand gestures), asanas (yoga poses) and meditations.
It is an enlightening meditative process aimed at individual transformation
 that leads to increased consciousness at a societal level.

For more information visit Mission's official website:

When: 7:30pm

Where: Please email us to find out about the location for coming up Saturday

Suggested donation $10

Please register at lifebliss.vancouver@gmail.com

A new exciting series - eN Success.

we want to invite you to watch a new exciting series - eN Success. 
Subject of the first part is "Success is a happening".   
Watch it on Life Bliss Foundation Channel. Here is link. 

On Nithyananda TV live every evening

Daily Message with Paramahamsa Nithyananda