Friday, August 26, 2011

Saturday evening satsangs now at 6:15pm

Don't Miss Bhagavad Gita Satsangs!

Daily Satsangs Live from Bidadi start now one hour earlier, including the Saturday night Satsangs at Reflexology, they will begin at 630pm with Pada Puja, followed by discourse.

This Saturday, August 27th, please join us for a special live presentation from Maha Acharya on Mount Kailash experiences with Swamiji!  

This will take place after puja and discourse.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Bhagavad Gita Dhyana Satsangs start today Aug 21 at 7pm


Starting today we are all going to have a spiritual feast! Every day 3 hours live with Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Do not miss it! Watch it through eNTV.

Pratyaksha Pada Puja - 6:30pm PST
Bhagavad Gita Satsang - 7:10pm PST
Brahma Sutra Satsang - 6:30-7:30am PST (starting tomorrow Aug 22nd)
Come join us for satsang on Saturday and not only watch it with the group of seekers but also receive Nayana Deeksha* via 2 way video streaming. Not only do you see Swamiji live, but better yet, He sees you too!
*Nayana Deeksha:"When a Master sees you, He ripens you by his seeing..." 

Location:  Pacific Institute of Reflexology 
between Cambie St. and Ash St. (near Cambie Stn/City Hall)
Entrance at REAR of building, via alley

For more information email us at:
Suggested donation: $10

Monday, August 15, 2011

Join the Nithyananda Fan Club!

Package includes:

1) Monthly eN-Zine (e-magazine)
2)  Daily insights e-mail
3)  Swamiji “Behind the Scenes” video clip
      • Informal interviews with Swamiji on compelling topics in casual/natural settings 
4)  Swamiji “Never Before Released Video” 
      • The best historical Swamiji discourses from the archives
5) What Swamiji is Listening to this Month
      • Music track selected by Swamiji each month
6) Exclusive photo of Swamiji
      • Chosen by Swamiji (Swamiji’s pick of the month!)
7) Webinar with senior swamis on Life around the Master 
8) MP3 file of Swamiji’s latest talks  

Valued at $100 USD

Special subscription price $20 per month

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Swamiji will continue talking about Kailash for next few days


for next few days until Aug 22nd, Swamiji will  continue talking about Kailash and Kailash yatra. 

"What has happened to me because of Kailash?! How can an incarnation be enamored by a place? Kailash is not a place but is a statement by the cosmos!"

He started today and you don't want to miss not just his talks, but also slideshows and videos from latest Kailash trip.

Watch it LIVE  through eNTV 

We are looking forward to seeing you all on satsangs on Saturdays!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Live discourse by Paramahamsa Nithyananda resumes August 14th


We have some fantastic news for you! The much awaited day is finally here. Swamiji will be back at the ashram very soon from his Kailash yatra and the live discourse with Swamiji will resume starting on Sunday August 14th at 7:30pm (PST) onwards.

Enjoy the daily discourse LIVE with Paramahamsa Nithyananda through eNTV and come joins us for satsangs on Mondays and Saturdays, 7:15pm at Reflexology center, 535 W 10th Ave, Vancouver (rear entrance). 

We are looking forward to seeing you all on satsangs!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Come join us at our events in month of August!


Join us for events organized by Life Bliss Vancouver:

 • Children's Satsangs in Vancouver on Sundays
 • Veggie-Q August 28

Saturdays (except Aug 6) Experience eN-Effect, 
(advanced meditation evenings)
Join us for Pada Puja (mantra chanting), morning message by Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
at Reflexology Centre, 535 W 10th Ave, Vancouver, rear entrance, 6:15 pm
Free event, donations are welcome.

Mondays Intro to Meditation Night 
meditation evening for beginners
All are welcome, bring your friends & family
Location: Reflexology Centre, 535 W 10th Ave, Vancouver, rear entrance, 7:30-9pm
Free event, donations are welcome.

*NEW! Program for Children in Vancouver!

Would you love your kids to also have the opportunity to learn and experience spiritual truths? Learn how to live and share Living enlightenment?
We have exciting news for you!  We are starting Kids satsangs!  This is a great opportunity to have a taste of eN-Genius program (very popular children's 21-day program happening every month in India, designed by Paramahamsa Nithyananda or Swamiji). You will find more information about eN-Genius program at:

Kids Satsangs are for kids ages 4-14. Parents are free to stay, but their participation is not required.  
When: Sundays 2pm-4pm, starting August 6th, 2011
Where: 120-2050 Scotia Street, Vancouver

Children will learn short puja and then will be introduced to a short topic from Swamiji's Living Enlightenment book. They will then engage in some crafts to allow them to digest introduced topics. We will finish with meditation depending on their interest and time.  The first satsang is free, donations are welcome! Suggested donation is $10. 

Life Bliss Program is an intensive two day program that rejuvenates the entire being through active, guided meditations. A series of powerful techniques awaken, 
cleanse and energize all seven major energy centers, the chakras. When the centers are blocked, we encounter difficulty in our lives. Stress, fear, worry and disharmonious relationships are all problems that arise from conditioning and engraved memories, causing blocked energy in the chakras.

LBP helps us pinpoint exactly where our frustrations and difficulties arise by clearly explaining the interconnectedness of the body, mind and spiritual chakra centers.
LBP is a must-do program for everyone; regular meditators and beginners alike.  

Wherever you are in your spiritual journey, and whatever background you have in chakra work, you're sure to learn something new and experience the transformation to a blissful, healthy, stress-free state.

Time: 8:00am-5:30pm Sat/Sun August 20/21
Cost: $100 for both days
Registration is open at

Nithyananda Meditation Academy Veggie-Q 
at Locarno Beach in Vancouver
on Sunday,  August 28th, 2011, 12-4pm
Please reserve the date!
There will be yoga, activities, prizes, and more!

On Nithyananda TV live every evening

Daily Message with Paramahamsa Nithyananda