• Launch of Children's Satsangs in Vancouver
• Veggie-Q August 28
Come celebrate Guru Purnima, the auspicious day to receive the Guru's grace and to make an offering.
To make an offering to the Guru (bhiksha), you may go to www.nithyananda.org
When: Thursday, July 14th
Location: Residence
12580 Jack Bell Drive
Time: 7pm
(If you participated in the Jivan Mukhti Vratha, please bring a coconut and white cloth for offering to the padukas)
Date: Tuesday, July 12th
Time: 11:30pm - 1:30am
(late night to correspond with timing in India)
Two Way connection will be available!
Please note new location for Press meet!
Address for new location (Sheila's Studio):
120-2050 Scotia Street, Vancouver
*NEW! Program for Children in Vancouver!
Would you love your kids to also have the opportunity to learn and experience spiritual truths? Learn how to live and share Living enlightenment?
We have exciting news for you! We are starting Kids satsangs! This is a great opportunity to have a taste of eN-Genius program (very popular children's 21-day program happening every month in India, designed by Paramahamsa Nithyananda or Swamiji). You will find more information about eN-Genius program at: http://nithyananda.org/programs/en-genius
Kids Satsangs are for kids ages 4-14. Parents are free to stay, but their participation is not required.
When: Sundays 2pm-4pm, starting July 17th, 2011
When: Sundays 2pm-4pm, starting July 17th, 2011
Where: 120-2050 Scotia Street, Vancouver
Children will learn short puja and then will be introduced to a short topic from Swamiji's Living Enlightenment book. They will then engage in some crafts to allow them to digest introduced topics. We will finish with meditation depending on their interest and time. The first satsang is free, donations are welcome! Suggested donation is $10.
To register or for more information lifebliss.vancouver@gmail.com
cleanse and energize all seven major energy centers, the chakras. When the centers are blocked, we encounter difficulty in our lives. Stress, fear, worry and disharmonious relationships are all problems that arise from conditioning and engraved memories, causing blocked energy in the chakras.
LBP helps us pinpoint exactly where our frustrations and difficulties arise by clearly explaining the interconnectedness of the body, mind and spiritual chakra centers.
LBP is a must-do program for everyone; regular meditators and beginners alike.
Wherever you are in your spiritual journey, and whatever background you have in chakra work, you're sure to learn something new and experience the transformation to a blissful, healthy, stress-free state.
Discounted Summer Price is only $50 for full Program!
Time: 800am-530pm Sat/Sun July 30/31
Registration is open at lifebliss.vancouver@gmail.com
This Month
July 11, 18, 25 -Monday night Satsangs/Life Solutions Talks
satsangs at Reflexology Centre, 535 W 10th Ave, Vancouver, rear entrance, 730-930pm
Join us for Life Bliss Solutions Talks Monday night July 18 & 25 before live discourse (no puja).
July 14, 21, 28 -Thursday Intro to Meditation Night, all are welcome, bring your friends & family, Prana Yoga College, 293 W 2nd Ave, Vanc, 730-9pm
Yoga Thursdays 630pm-730pm before Intro Nights at Prana Yoga College led by Ma Nithya Vibhooti!
July 16, 23 - Saturday night eN Kriya (advanced meditation evenings), puja & meditation at Reflexology Center, 730-10pm
*NEW*Yoga at 6pm Saturdays before eN Kriya night!
Bring your yoga mat, all are welcome.
July 16 @3pm - Special Whirling Class led by Ma Nithya Vibhooti, details below
(no eN Kriya July 30th and August 6th, stay tuned for more details of events)
July 17, 24, 31 (Sun) - Yoga at Kits Beach every Sunday weather permitting, west of Kits pool on grass area, 10am, bring your yoga mat, must register to attend with Ma Vibhooti at manithyavibhooti@gmail.com
July 30 & 31 (Sat & Sun)-Life Bliss Program Level 1 (LBP)
To register for either program:
604-628-4479 / lifebliss.vancouver@gmail.com
Discounted Summer Price: $50, lunch provided both days
Join us every Monday night for free meditation nights at the Reflexology Centre, address above.
For questions, please email us at lifebliss.vancouver@gmail.com
Where? Granville Island, Vancouver, Sutcliffe Park, grass area near water park
Please RSVP with Ma Nithya Vibhooti at manithyavibhooti@gmail.com
Come experience what whirling is all about!
Rishi Mitra is in town and will conduct a one time eN Fitness class this week, if you are interested, please email us to receive the date and time!
Nithyananda Meditation Academy Veggie-Q
at Locarno Beach in Vancouver
on Sunday, August 28th, 2011, 12-4pm
on Sunday, August 28th, 2011, 12-4pm
Please reserve the date!
There will be yoga, activities, prizes, and more!
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